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When You Stop Blogging
Regular blogging is the best thing you can do for your website’s traffic and rankings. Search engines like fresh content, and so do human visitors. Every new post is a new opportunity to rank for a new keyword, a new landing page, and to increase value for your website.
Regular blogging
Here’s an example of steady growth with regular blogging.
Google shows the site more frequently, people find it more easily, and visitors share it more and bring more new readers. There may be seasonal ups and downs, peaks and valleys caused by ads or world events, but overall we see growth.
Stop blogging
Here’s what happens when you stop blogging.
Here’s another example.
In our experience, websites that quit blogging will lose traffic and rankings. They won’t fall back to where they were before they started blogging — they still have good content drawing visitors. But they will lose traffic and rankings rather than continuing to grow.
With or without a blog
A quarter-over-quarter comparison of sites with and without blogs.
A year-over-year comparison from a few years back.
Wherever you look, you’ll see that blogging gets better results than not blogging.
Should you have a blog?
Obviously, you should. But writing a blog yourself may not be the best use of your time. You already have a job. Chances are good that it will take more time than you have available to write great blog posts on a regular basis. Hiring a company like Haden Interactive will guarantee regular blogging. That’s what results in steady growth.
If you’ve been blogging successfully and your practice or business is showing the benefits, you may be thinking that it’s time to stop blogging. Or you might not even be thinking about that. You might just be noticing that your blog has entered a death spiral.
Call us at 479-966-9761 or contact us with our simple online form. We can get your blog back on track… or start one so you can see the results.
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