Website Vocabulary
Some years ago I wrote the content for a website that specializes in animal tissue and blood for research. We were working on terms like “mouse albumin,” “tyrosine hydroxylase,” and “tissue homogenates.” These are not common words that everyone will understand. They wouldn’t be everybody’s choice for website vocabulary. Another site was all about transporting…
Ways to Collaborate with Your Professional Blogger
It makes sense for most medical professionals, clinics, and those who work in health and wellness to outsource blogging and SEO services at their website. A professional blogger provides a steady stream of quality content at your website; this lets you focus on your profession while still benefiting from content marketing. While you can leave…
Writing for Pleasure
Most of the things I write here are about strategic communication: how can you increase search rankings and conversion rates, how to increase usability, how to make your blog more effective for your business, stuff like that.
Short and Snappy Web Content
Sometimes your web page is intended to be read. Your blog posts, your articles, your lesson plans, the novel you’re posting one chapter at a time to share with your writing group — you’re writing these for people who are intentionally taking time to read the stuff you’ve written. Your homepage? Maybe not. People reaching…
You, Me, Us?
It’s a small thing, but one that can make a big difference to your future relationships: not the remote control, but the question of whether to write your website in first, second, or third person.
Who Should Be Writing Your Blog?
I’ve had similar conversations with some new clients recently. “How can you think up new things to say at my blog every day?” they ask dubiously. Or, “I don’t think there’s enough material for a weekly blog post. I can’t think of anything.” Or, “It takes me an hour just to think of a topic.…