Google Analytics
Reading Your Google Analytics Reports
When I write about Google Analytics, I generally write as though you were going to your own analytics account and reading the data there. However, many business owners receive a report.
Traffic at Your New Site
How can you expect traffic to progress at your new website?
SEO Makeover Success
We recently did an SEO makeover for Bill West Roofing, a roofing contractor in Kansas City. Initially, the company contacted us thinking about PPC or magic behind-the-scenes optimization. They liked their website (see below), which they’d built with the help of a friend, and didn’t really want to change it. They just wanted it to…
New Website Lab Report: Benchmarks
The new website I just launched — this is an interior page, with Earth Day lesson plans — has two days’ worth of analytics now. The first day it had five visits and the second day it had seven, for a total of 12 visits from 6 unique visitors. 8 were direct visits, 3 were…
Analytics and Your Web Site Redesign
Industry expert Dave Taylor says that he’s never arrived at a meeting about a site’s SEO redesign to find clients with analytics data. Me neither, unless I bring it with me.
Filter Your Google Analytics
I often analyze websites’ analytics for their owners or for other companies. Sometimes I analyze current websites, including their analytics, so I can improve their performance or make sure that their new site does what they need it to. Sometimes I follow clients’ analytics as part of my work with them.