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Avoiding Piracy: How and Why
In a meeting last week, a client said that he’d heard from the guys that websites like his were just made by taking pictures and information from other websites. I hastened to assure him that we wouldn’t do that. We are committed to the highest standards of integrity. I felt confident telling the client that…
Only Pay If You’re On Page 1!
A client shared with me a high-pressure sales pitch he’s been getting from an online promotion company.
SEO Don’ts
Recently a client asked for a list of SEO dos and don’ts. The client is a franchise operation, and they wanted to help their franchisees get the best possible results on the web. I was happy to provide a checklist of SEO things to do to get a new web page visible. A list of…
An Amazing New Online Marketing Tool!
A man came to see me not long ago. He was trying to decide whether to work with me, or with this Amazing New Online Marketing Tool he’d discovered. I admired the heavy, brightly colored pages the representative of this Amazing Tool had given to him, and I went to their website and saw this…
Display: None — Is it Black Hat?
While working on a marketing plan for a company with a current website, I encountered something interesting. There was, on many pages of the site, an ad for the company that built the site. It was just a block of text which had in its CSS the string “display:none.” Let me back up a little.…
Copyright Issues at Your Website
There are changes taking place in the realm of intellectual property. From the sheer ease of copying to the attitude shift among users who’ve grown up with seemingly unlimited amounts of information available to them entirely for free, current circumstances encourage sharing and viral spread of information, not to mention sheer piracy. It can be…