Reaching the Boomer Consumer
Reaching Millennials is top of mind for plenty of marketers, but some industries should also be thinking about how to reach the Boomer consumer, people born during the 1946-1964 Baby Boom. The two groups of consumers are just about the same size, at this point, and the Boomers tend to have more disposable income. In…
Medical Website Rules: Section 1557
In the early days of the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act (the HITECH Act), “covered entities” like hospitals, clinics, doctors, and the like were protected from penalties if they could prove that they didn’t know the rules. That protection was removed. Now, it’s assumed that covered entities know or should know…
5 Easy to Miss Accessibility Issues
Making sure that everyone has access to your website is important, just in principle. It can also be important for the bottom line at your business. When your site is hard for prospective customers to read, they’ll go elsewhere — people have lots of choices online.
Planning a Website for Older Users
I’m working with designer Jon Schleuss on a website for the local chapter of the American Association of University Women, an organization to which I belong and which I support wholeheartedly.