
  • Who Should Have Access to Your Website?

    Who Should Have Access to Your Website?

    One of the decisions you need to make when you launch your new website is this: who should have access to your website? That is, who should be able to get into the admin area and make changes?

  • A New Preschool Website

    A New Preschool Website

    You know your preschool needs a website, but how do you get started? How do you plan an effective website for your school? Here are some tips to consider when you’re planning a new preschool website. We were delighted to have the opportunity to create a new website for First School, a preschool and parents…

  • A New Creative Website

    A New Creative Website

    A creative website? All our websites are creative, so what does it mean to talk about a creative website? Simply, the site owner is not a doctor or an engineer, but a creative professional. The Timothy Mooney Repertory Theater presents innovative variations on classic theater across the nation, bringing Shakespeare and Moliere — as well…

  • Pick Your Plugins

    Pick Your Plugins

    WordPress.org lists 59,576 plugins. There are more that aren’t listed there, but we can use that number to develop a useful estimate of the number of plugins available: a whole lot. How do you know which ones to use at your WordPress site? Some people have a list of plugins they routinely use, and in…

  • PhP 8.2 and You

    PhP 8.2 and You

    Has your web team told you that you need to update to PhP 8.2? If so, you might have responded with, “What, now?” Let’s explore this announcement a little more closely. What is PhP? PhP is a computer language, a language used by computers and by people wanting to communicate with computers. It is the…

  • WordPress Updates: How and Why

    WordPress Updates: How and Why

    We like long relationships, and most of our clients work with us over the long term. They don’t have to think about WordPress updates, because we take care of that for them. However, we also build websites, and some of the clients whose sites we’ve built are their own webmasters. They have to think about…