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Adjusting Your Site Architecture
We’re working with a WordPress website with a rich collection of content. It’s full of great stuff, but the site owner feels like it’s time to get things organized — and we agree. We use the term “site architecture” for a reason — your website should be organized in a logical manner that lets visitors…
Page by Page: Authority
People come online at many different points in their purchase decision process: when they realize they have a problem, when they’re exploring possible solutions, when they’re ready to decide on a solution, when they want something and want to dream about it, when they’re browsing, when they’re ready to buy, and all points around and…
Trying Out AnalyticsWP
We’re long-time users of Google Analytics and Jetpack Stats, and we haven’t used other analytics in a few years. There is a new analytics plugin for WordPress, though, which seems as though it might be a real winner. We’re going to compare it with GA and Jetpack in this post, because those are the programs…
More Spam
Recently we’ve had a couple of clients reach out to us in alarm because they are seeing more spam. They see more spam comments, more spam subscriptions, and more spam emails. It’s not their imaginations. Check out some statistics: Americans received 225 billion spam texts in 2021, a 157% increase over 2021. 56.5% of all… for Business?
WordPress is the most popular content management system in the universe. is a free or low-cost hosting option that uses WordPress. It’s a great choice for your family book club site, your private blog, or a classroom project. Does make sense for your practice website, your professional site, or your business online presence?…
Maybe You Don’t Need a New Website
We’ve been talking with some businesses that are mulling over a big decision: build a new website, or update their current website. It’s easy to focus on problems with your current website and assume the only solution is a rebuild. However, you might just need an update rather than a complete overhaul. One business owner…