Web design
Branding at Your Website
Table-free Websites
Try a little experiment with your company website. Go to it and click on CTRL+U or use View>Source to see the source code. Does it look like the example here, filled with “tr” and “td”?
Your Logo as a Starting Point for Your Website
When you get ready to have your website created, one of the best starting points is your logo. There are other options: websites you admire, for example, can give your designer an idea of your preferences. You can begin with a great photo of your product or your building or yourself. You can begin with…
Spiders, Crawling, and Internal Links
We speak of the internet as a web, and talk about the search engine spiders crawling it. That’s because the internet was originally conceived as a web of hyperlinks interconnecting everything. That’s how it generally is now, too, though it’s a bit more sophisticated than it used to be. Search engine spiders arrive at your…
Whose Website Is It, Anyway?
The screenshot here is a project I made for my first web design class. We were learning the languages used for web design, not anything about good web design, and we had a lot of rules for the assignment: it must include a table, there has to be a picture with a border, stuff like…
Above the Fold: the Scrolling Controversy
Look at almost any current discussion of SEO and web design and you’ll see people emphasizing the importance of the non-scroll design, right alongside people scoffing at the idea that people won’t scroll. They’re missing the key point. People don’t scroll until they’re committed to a page. That’s not the same as saying that they…