Web design
A Beautiful New Ecommerce Website
Holland Wildflower Farm is a 30 year old nursery and farm specializing in wildflowers and native grasses.
The Case of the Fake Website Redesign
Authorize.Net is one of the most popular merchant services companies in the nation — they help us and millions of other companies accept credit cards, echecks, and recurring billing plans safely and easily. Recently I visited their website and saw what looked like a nice update to the design. Instead of their old look, I…
Is “Homepage” a Misnomer?
Sometimes a single topic comes up repeatedly in a short space of time, suggesting that the universe wants a blog post on the subject. That happened yesterday with the question of the homepage. First, as I was visiting with Tom’s class, he suggested that “homepage” no longer really makes sense. We tend to use search…
Scientific Controversy on the Web
Of course, there are plenty of websites and web pages discussing and debating scientific controversy. But two groups of scientists have recently created websites taking sides on one specific question: should scientists have free rein to study dangerous diseases? The question arises as several events show up in the news nearly simultaneously. A deadlier strain…
Mobile Sites and Hamburgers?
Did you notice the hamburger in this photo? I sure didn’t. And once it was pointed out to me, I was a little surprised. I mean … do you see the size of that thing? And why are they drinking wine with it? And who dresses like that to eat a burger? Don’t these people…
A Makeover for an Engineer’s Website
We built a WordPress website for a local industrial engineer last year, a redesign of one of three he owns. We added regular blogging, too. The results inspired him to have us redesign a second website this year, with the third coming up. We’re delighted to expand our partnership with this client, and delighted also…