Web content
Google’s Natural Language Processing
Only human beings have real language, but Google is making real progress in bringing its technology closer to being able to respond effectively to human language. For a while now, Google has been getting better at predicting the next word in a sentence. You see it in gmail, where Google offers you proposed endings to…
You’re Really Not That Interesting
Well, yes, of course you are. The problem is, visitors to your website are not as interested in you as in themselves.
Dynamic Content Without a Blog?
By “dynamic” here I don’t mean “exciting.” I mean changing. When people come to visit your site on Monday, it has something different from when they visited on Friday.
Are We Becoming More Visual?
Most of us have a preferred learning modality — a sensory learning style that is most comfortable for us. Traditional estimates say that about 65% of Americans are most comfortable with visual learning, 5% are kinesthetic or hands-on learners, and the rest rely most on auditory information. What’s your preferred learning style? You can quickly…
Your Website: Update, Refresh, or Redesign?
Let’s say that you like the basic look of your website, but you’re not getting the results you want. Do you need a new website, or can you just update it — refresh it a bit, in other words, and keep going?
Your Website: Inform or Entertain?
William Morris said that you should have nothing in your home that you do not believe to be beautiful or know to be useful. This is good advice for your website, too. You might change that up just a little, though: have nothing that isn’t either entertaining or informative. Which is more important: inform or…