Web content
Makeover: A Publishing Company
More of the King Publishing is a very specialized publishing house, carrying a collection of Bible study materials for camps. They had a website, but it wasn’t organized to showcase their products or to lead visitors to shop.
What Updating Your Site Means
When you generally like the look of your website, but it’s not doing its job for you, you may need to update the design — not to go with a completely new design, but to transform the look you have into something fresh, new, and effective.
Copywriting Lessons From Twitter
I used to tweet for a software company which would send me news about, for example, how a space station was using their software. There’d be lots of fascinating details, which I would then squish into 140 characters. It took a while to distill everything down in that way, but it made for rather exciting…
Lessons from Wayfair.com
Have you heard of Wayfair.com? I hadn’t either, but they plan to fix that.
Making a Forum Work on Your Website
“People don’t use forums any more,” said one of the other NWAGiveCamp volunteers, when the owners of the Northwest Arkansas Autism Support Group asked for a forum at their website.
New WP Theme: Next Steps?
We’re working with Kansas City Realtor Ken Jansen on his new website. He’s not quite ready to have a custom site built, but he bought a specialized WordPress theme. Haden Interactive builds WordPress sites with completely custom themes, and our designers may not agree with what I’m about to say, but I really like the…