Web content
CTAs for Nonprofits
Online giving, like online shopping, is increasing every year — far beyond the overall increase in giving, as this chart shows. Given the option of making donations in seconds online, internet users give in to their generous impulses. When you’re planning your nonprofit’s website, don’t overlook calls to action. Certainly you want to make it…
The Interview and the Plug
“So the point of the interview,” the company’s PR person said, “will be to share how the company helped the interviewee?’ “That’s the meta-message,” I agreed, “and it makes a great starting point. But the real point of the interview is to listen for something really interesting to our readers. With any luck, we get…
Keywords for Ecommerce
Keywords, the terms people use to search for information online, have changed a lot in recent years. With instant search and better online search skills, people are much less likely to search with just one or two main keywords as they did in the early days of the internet. What’s more, search engines are better…
Slider Images
As a general rule, we have banners designed for the slider or gallery when we build a website. We build WordPress websites, so we typically have a slider picked by the designer of the site, we have specific pixel by pixel sizes for the banner images, and we convey that to the graphic artist along…
Warmth, Competence, and Your Site
In their new book, The Human Brand, Chris Malone and Susan T. Fiske argue that consumers judge a brand on just two things: competence and warmth. With examples from companies ranging from Lululemon and Zappos to PepsiCo and Toyota, the authors demonstrate how companies that are able to show both competence and warmth gain and…
Live Refresh Website Makeover
What’s a Live Refresh? It’s our way of giving a website a quick improvement with just content — no design changes, no downtime, and minimal cost. We’ve just done a Live Refresh for the Arkansas Country Doctor Museum. They had a nice theme installed by a volunteer, but no planned homepage, little content, and empty…