Web content
Blog Graphics
Researching and writing a blog post can take time, and finding or creating the perfect graphic for a blog post can take even more time. How can you get the most from your graphics? Plan ahead. What do you want to accomplish with your blog images? Do you want a consistent, recognizable look that will…
Leverage Your Assets for SEO
As I’ve been working on SEO and conversion strategies for various companies, I’ve been noticing how often I focus on the terrific assets the company already has: A professional photographer with a huge stack of luscious photos just waiting to be turned into effective Pinterest posts with strategically-written blog posts attached A CPG consulting company…
Trying Out Press This
PressThis used to be a plugin, but now it’s native to WordPress. It’s sort of like WordPress’s answer to Pinterest, since it lets you curate text, video, or other content from another website without looking like a thief. Or even feeling like a thief. WordPress has clarified this point by explaining that the goal of…
Trying Out Visme
The folks at Visme contacted me to suggest that I try out their tools, since I had tried out Canva, and I was happy to oblige. Visme is a cool graphics tool, though it reminded me as much of Pictochart as of Canva. Visme lets you build infographics, banner ads, and presentations from templates. You…
Trying Email Capture Plugins
Content marketing involves giving away useful information. You start with your company blog, podcast, or what have you, which you share for free and disseminate as broadly as possible. The object here is to bring people to your website, increase visibility, and help people out. Once people have found your free content and discovered its…
Adding to Your Website
When he was about four years old, my youngest son told a group of adults that astronauts had gone to the moon in the old days. It was true, but I remember the looks of consternation at the idea of astronauts being part of the old days. You may feel that way about websites, but…