Web content
Are There Stubs on Your Website?
Sometimes you are in the process of building a website, or making updates to your website, and you end up with stubs. If you have clickable navigation tabs with drop-down menus, you might have stubs on the pages those tabs link to. Someone might have removed the content from obsolete pages but left the stubs…
What’s a Landing Page?
The expression “landing page” confuses people for a very simple reason: different people use it at different times to mean different things. Google Analytics uses the phrase “landing page” simply to mean the pages people land on when they enter your website. Right now, most visitors to our lab site, FreshPlans, are entering through one…
Goal Getters: Increasing Patient Visits
Your website can do so much for you — streamline communication at your practice, introduce your practice to new patients, answer common questions, improve patient education, and more. How can you tell when you’re succeeding? How can you prove that your website is doing its job… or fix it if it’s not? This is the…
Forbidden Words for Healthcare Websites?
The Centers for Disease Control have been given a list of seven “forbidden words,” according to the Washington Post. The taboo was apparently handed down by the federal Department of Health and Human Services, in preparation for budget requests. It has been suggested that HHS is giving the same list to other healthcare agencies. Here…
Product Photos at Your Website
If you sell something tangible, you need to show pictures of your products. Product photos are extremely important for conversion at your website, and they make all the difference for your online image. The kind of product photos you need will depend on your business, though. On the right you can see the website we…
Wellness Website Pages
What pages must a healthcare professional’s website contain? There are several ways to look at the question. Find your website’s goal below and see what pages you’ll need. Internet necessities For a basic website, it doesn’t matter whether you’re a doctor, a dentist, or a dog trainer. You need a Home Page. You need About…