Web content
Cleaning Up Your Internet Presence
Cleaning up your internet presence, or online reputation management, can be an important part of your digital marketing strategy. Here are some examples: A murder took place in a hospital parking lot some years ago. The murder had nothing to do with the hospital, but suddenly it was the first thing people saw when they…
Websites about Tough Subjects
Not all websites can be about pleasant things. Life isn’t all about pleasant things. Businesses don’t all specialize in pleasant things. When you’re dealing with tough subjects, you really can’t just add a picture of a puppy and leave it at that.
Understanding Embedding
The infographic below has been embedded on this page. That means that it doesn’t really live on this page. If this is a new concept for you, it might be hard to understand, so here’s an explanation. Usually if you see an infographic at this blog, we made it. We’ve uploaded it to the website…
Using Your Website for Storage
What’s in your media library? There are some things that should be there: Your logo and other brand identity assets Pictures of your goods and, if possible, services Pictures of your team, your building or offices, and other brand images Images that illustrate your blog posts Patient forms Company newsletters Ads and promotional images White…
April Fool’s Prank News
Happy April Fool’s Day! It’s the one day of the year when we all scrutinize news reports with an awareness that they might be inaccurate. Here are some April Fools prank stories from previous years: Google Nose, a new search feature based on smell Coca-Cola’s new brunch-oriented soft drink flavors: avocado, sourdough, and charcoal A…
How to Handle Numbers at Your Website
Websites with useful information have a real SEO advantage over less useful sites. Modern consumers seek out the data they need for decision making, and value the websites that give them that information. Often that means sharing numbers at your website. I like numbers, myself, but not everyone does. Many people find that their eyes…