Social media

  • Social Cause Certification at Facebook and Twitter

    Social Cause Certification at Facebook and Twitter

    Do you run ads at Twitter or Facebook? These social media platforms are among the least expensive advertising opportunities around — digital or traditional. Even if you’ve run ads before and feel pretty comfortable with it, though, you may need social cause certification before you can run your next ad campaign. If you’re selling shoes…

  • Goodbye, Instagram Likes!

    Goodbye, Instagram Likes!

    Instagram accounts around the world have been losing their Likes — not the Likes, themselves, but the count of likes, as seen in the screenshot below. Instagram Likes continue to be visible to account owners and they are used for analytics, but you can no longer see that a post has had a specific number…

  • Private Twitter Account Surprises

    Private Twitter Account Surprises

    There have been interesting studies about business Twitter accounts and government Twitter accounts, but the Pew Research Center has undertaken some serious research on the Twitter behavior of individuals.  First, only 22% of American adults use Twitter as individuals, and of those only 10% are responsible for 80% of the tweets. The includes retweets. So…

  • HIPAA Regulations on Social Media

    HIPAA Regulations on Social Media

    The full text of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) doesn’t include the words “social media” for the simple reason that social media wasn’t really a thing yet at the time. 10 years before Facebook, social media was in its infancy, on blogs, online bulletin boards, and forums. Nonetheless, HIPAA contains…

  • Curing the Viral Post

    Curing the Viral Post

    Social media conscience Social media is getting attacked from all sides. Word at the virtual water coolers is that Facebook is perverting elections, Twitter is fomenting crime, and YouTube is encouraging stupid, even life threatening pranks. Some social media platforms are backing off. WhatsApp, which is a major social platform in India, has taken steps…

  • Coming Soon: Getting Ready for Your New Website

    Coming Soon: Getting Ready for Your New Website

    You’re having a new website built, or a redesign, and you have your domain already. What should you do with it while you wait for your new website to be finished?