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Healthcare marketing
Filling the COVID-19 Information Void
White House COVID-19 response team leader Ashish Jha recently asked doctors to help educate the public on the virus. In a speech at a meeting of the Massachusetts Medical Society, Jha told healthcare professionals, “What we have seen is the widespread propagation of misinformation and disinformation. And the reason it has taken root is because there was an information vacuum…It is critical…
SEO for Medical Practices
In order to maintain or grow your medical practice, you need to do some form of marketing. Right now, digital marketing makes the most sense. People looking for a doctor want a convenient location and someone who will accept their insurance. But faced with a list of options, they will go to your practice website…
COVID-19 Confusion
The Pew Research Center tells us that 85% of Americans wear masks when they’re out and about, but some people continue to resist. It’s a small effort, the data in favor of it is overwhelming, and yet there are people who fail to or even refuse to wear masks. Even more wear them incorrectly. It’s…
How Patients Consult “Dr. Google”
Health, wellness, and medical searches are among the most popular search queries on Google. The majority of patients now look up their symptoms online before they visit their doctor, just as the majority of people check out products online before they ever walk into a store. You can call it “the empowered consumer,” but in…
Focusing on Safety in Healthcare Marketing
During the early weeks of the pandemic, many healthcare practices and facilities cut back on services and hours in order to prepare for the uncertainties of COVID-19. If your facility quit providing diagnostic testing, held off on face to face appointments, and cancelled elective surgeries, you might be making changes now. But patients may still…
Accessible Coronavirus Information
The internet is now the top source of medical information for Americans. Coronavirus is the top healthcare issue searched online. There’s a huge amount of misinformation about COVID-19 online. These facts aren’t news. But the most important solution for the information pandemic — accessible coronavirus information — is facing a critical obstacle: trusted sources are…