Google Ads

  • “Not Provided” now in Paid Search?

    “Not Provided” now in Paid Search?

    Google used to tell us, in Google Analytics, all the keywords people used to find our websites. We used that information to determine whether the web content we wrote was reaching the right people, to target our marketing efforts more effectively, and to get ideas for fresh content our visitors might find useful. That information…

  • Can You Put Your Toe in the Water?

    Can You Put Your Toe in the Water?

    Sometimes we have clients who want to put their toes in the water when it comes to digital marketing. They want to put up a near-free website or do without a website entirely. They want to try $5.00 a day on cost-per-click ads. They just want to do social media. Often the idea is to…

  • Google Engage now Google Partners

    Google Engage now Google Partners

    We’ve enjoyed being a Google Engage agency, but Google is always working to improve, and they’ve replaced the Engage program with the new Google partners program. We’ve joined the program, but we don’t become a Google Partner automatically just because we were a Google Engage agency. There are certification requirements, and some requirements based on…

  • Introducing Your CPC Dashboard

    Introducing Your CPC Dashboard

    If you use Google Adwords, you will use one of two approaches: managing your own campaigns, or having a company like Haden Interactive manage them. If you have a third party managing your ads, you will receive reports at least once a month (Google requires this). Your agency may send reports downloaded from the dashboard,…

  • Can’t Get the Keyword You Want?

    Can’t Get the Keyword You Want?

    One of our clients is feeling frustrated. After nine months with us, his traffic has quadrupled, he’s getting 70% more traffic from paid search and paying just half as much per click, and traffic to his contact page has tripled. No, those things aren’t the source of his frustration. He’s frustrated because he isn’t ranking…

  • A Primer on Online Advertising

    A Primer on Online Advertising

    Online advertising is not the same as online  marketing. Online marketing includes having a great website, blogging regularly, using social media in strategic ways, linkbuilding, and all kinds of other stuff that isn’t advertising. However, there are times when you want to use ads. Say you are selling a new type of senior alert system.…