The Five Second Test
I’m at various stages with various new websites that I’m writing. One is about to launch, one is at the mockup stage, one has the first meeting with the designer scheduled, after discussion with the client, several have had their content turned in, and one is in the “newly assigned” category.
Do You Really Have to Have a Website?
The latest research shows that Americans now are more likely to go to the internet than to a phone book.
Basic SEO for All Websites
I worked on fifteen websites last week. That’s not counting the websites I take care of an ongoing basis, either, but fifteen websites needing to be written, rewritten, or optimized.
Narrowing Your Website’s Focus
You know how sometimes a particular topic comes up repeatedly, as though it were forcing itself on your attention? The question of focus has been that way for me lately. I found myself writing about focus on the papers from my writing class so frequently that I ended up spending the whole hour on it…
The User Journey: Be Prepared for Search
Here’s how it looks at my place right now. We lost our electricity for three days. Since I work entirely online, I couldn’t get any work done for that whole time. While the sun was out, I did some filing, but essentially I had three days off. It would have been so much better to…
What Do Tech Guys Look Like?
Last night I was commiserating with a fellow information worker. She had been dissed by a computer salesperson.