
  • Your SEO: Is It Working?

    Your SEO: Is It Working?

    Let’s say you started the year off with a new SEO campaign, adding fresh content to your website regularly and working hard to get high quality links. You fixed some tech issues and updated your content on pages that weren’t performing as well as you hoped.  Or maybe you gave in to a clever sales…

  • Data-Driven Website Decisions

    Data-Driven Website Decisions

    Research on marketing decision makers consistently shows that about 80% of marketing decisions are made on gut feelings or the opinions of the highest ranking people in the conversation. With digital marketing, though, data-driven website decisions are a realistic option, and that’s good news. Making decisions based on actual data allows you to avoid or…

  • Google Analytics vs. Jetpack Stats

    Google Analytics vs. Jetpack Stats

    Google Analytics is a web analytics product from Google, the people with access to the largest possible amount of information about the web. It’s relatively easy to use, robust, reliable, and free. We sincerely believe that every website should have Google Analytics installed, even if you don’t currently look at your analytics at all. So…

  • How Much Can Analytics Really Tell You About Your Customers?

    How Much Can Analytics Really Tell You About Your Customers?

    One of the questions our clients often ask about analytics is whether they can really tell who comes to visit them — could they, for example, email people who have come to the site?

  • Analytics: Do the Math

    Analytics: Do the Math

    Check your analytics on a typical day and you’ll see numbers like 5.87, as in traffic is up 5.87% and 62 as in 62% of traffic came from search. You might see numbers smaller than that — like visitors spent an average of 1.85 minutes at your site — or larger, as in 32,564 pageviews…

  • Sinister Google Analytics?

    Sinister Google Analytics?

    A client shared an article with me. The writer, who apparently curates business directories, was encouraging his readers to visit his competitors’ websites. Once there, he said, they should right click and use the “View Page Source” option (you could also choose CTRL+U) to look at the page’s HTML code. Then they should search for…