Lab Report: the Effects of the Google Doodle
Our lab site, FreshPlans, was featured when people clicked on Google’s doodle for Bunsen Burner Day, March 31st.
Lab Report: Sudden Traffic Increases
This is the traffic at FreshPlans, our lab site, for 2/28 through 3/29: a nice steady increase, which is what we like and what we’ve been seeing most of the time since our launch last April.
Developing Strategy to Increase Conversions
Our family, all avid gameplayers, recently tried a game that was new to us, Torres. It’s a complex game, with a lengthy back story, complicated rules, and lots of options.
Hits vs. Visitors
We were at a sales pitch yesterday. The nice salesman was trying to sell us on online ads. You might think that would be an easy sell for us, but we’re focused on organic search and never do any advertising, so I was listening closely and giving it serious thought.
Using Analytics for Ongoing Strategy Decisions
We do a lot of website rewrites. Sometimes they’re part of a redesign or an SEO strategic plan, sometimes they’re part of ongoing work with a client, sometimes our client is another web firm and we never even speak to the owner of the site.
Using Analytics to Track Changes at Your Website
We recently did a live content update for DNNMasters, a DotNetNuke development company that has created some of the must-have modules for DNN websites. DNNMasters also does custom modules and development for DNN users.