Google Analytics: Wins and Losses
We got access to the search queries, but we’ve lost some of our keyword data. Google will no longer show the keywords used by people who are signed into their Google accounts. Instead we are being told “not provided” for those visitors. For the week since the change took place, “not provided” was the #3…
Google Analytics Has A New Tool
The new Google Analytics SEO reports include Queries, Landing Pages, and Geographical Summary.
Google Analytics SEO: Landing Pages
In the new Search Engine Optimization Section at Google Analytics, there are three reports: Queries, Landing Pages, and Geographic Summary.
Google Analytics: Query vs. Keyword
We know that many people are still confused by keywords, and now you also have queries to contend with. Let’s look at both and see what each gives us in the way of data.
Is it Really Search?
When you check your analytics, you can quickly see how much of your traffic comes from search — or can you?