
  • Balanced Web Traffic

    Balanced Web Traffic

    The image at left, from the analytics report of our lab site, probably looks pretty familiar to you if you use Google Analytics at all. This pie chart shows the most general information about your traffic sources: the percentage of your visitors finding you via search, referral, and direct traffic.

  • Privacy Features and Web Analytics

    Privacy Features and Web Analytics

    Last fall, Google began shielding logged-in users’ search terms from analytics. Plenty of sites found that their top keyword became “not provided.” Though it didn’t prompt a wholesale shift to Clicky or Bing’s Webmaster Center, many of us are wondering what that change did to our level of accuracy.

  • Lab Report: End of Year Analytics

    Lab Report: End of Year Analytics

    It’s unfortunate that the screenshot we have to show you for an end of year analytics analysis should be this one, because it’s very atypical. This is our lab site, FreshPlans, which was featured in the Google Doodle last spring, gaining that spike which dwarfs everything around it, making this chart useless.

  • Add a User in Google Analytics

    It’s easy to share your analytics information with someone else. You’ll want to let your SEO pros get in and dig, of course, and you might also want to share the information with other team members.

  • Webmaster Tools: Google and Bing

    Webmaster Tools: Google and Bing

    Should you use Webmaster Tools, and if so, do you need Google, Bing, or both? We’ll answer this burning question with data from the webmaster tools for our lab site, FreshPlans.

  • Lab Report: Bounce Rate

    Lab Report: Bounce Rate

    Our lab site, FreshPlans, has always had a high bounce rate. We haven’t been concerned about that, for several reasons: