
  • Trying Out Analytics Plugins

    Trying Out Analytics Plugins

    I’ve written before about plugins that add basic Google Analytics code to your WordPress website. But when you want to track events, you need some additional code. You can make it easier, if you have a WordPress website, by using a plugin. Trouble is, there are something like 40,000 WordPress plugins. It’s not practical to…

  • Tracking Events

    Tracking Events

    One of the big advantages of online marketing is that we can track customer behavior much better than other types of marketing. A newspaper can tell you how many issues they print and how many subscribers they have, but not how many people actually saw your ad, or even the page it was on. They…

  • Search Console

    Search Console

    Looking for your Google Webmaster Tools? They’re now called “Search Console.” The tools you know and love (if you do in fact know and love your webmaster tools) are all still there, but the set up is a little more friendly. My theory was that Google had noticed that lots of people besides professional webmasters…

  • Custom Dashboards at Google Analytics

    Custom Dashboards at Google Analytics

    Custom dashboards in your website analytics allow you to get a quick view of how you’re doing on specific metrics, or to find a quick answer to questions you often go to your analytics data to answer. You can set up a custom dashboard and have reports sent to you automatically on a regular basis.…

  • Setting Up Analytics Goals… or Not

    Setting Up Analytics Goals… or Not

    Google Analytics goals can do some great things for you. By configuring goals in Google Analytics, you can see not just how many people bought your product or what percentage of your readers make it all the way to the bottom of the page, but also actionable things like which of your traffic sources has…

  • Treemaps


    We’re working on quarterly analytics this week, and we’re exploring a new report in Google Analytics: Treemaps. One of the great things about Google Analytics is the way they provide quick visual captures of information which can otherwise take a lot of work to unpack.  Treemaps does this primarily for Adwords ads. I had expected…