Using Google Alerts for SEO
It’s possible that you’re overlooking a useful tool in your online marketing: Google Alerts. click on that link and you’ll find a simple form to fill out.
Distinguishing Among Digital Ads
There are three kinds of digital ads. Google Ads Google Ads and other paid search ads let you talk to people who want what you have to offer. You’re selling wearable devices for monitoring anxiety? You get to talk directly to people who are looking for wearable devices to monitor their anxiety. While you can…
Accessible Coronavirus Information
The internet is now the top source of medical information for Americans. Coronavirus is the top healthcare issue searched online. There’s a huge amount of misinformation about COVID-19 online. These facts aren’t news. But the most important solution for the information pandemic — accessible coronavirus information — is facing a critical obstacle: trusted sources are…
6 Mantras for Content Marketing
If you provide goods or services and you have an online presence, you need to invest in content marketing. Content marketing includes different mediums: written word, video, audio, and images. Podcasts, white papers, email campaigns, vlogging, blogging, infographics, and social media — it’s all content marketing. There are several ways that you can approach content…
A New Website for an Attorney
Haden Interactive is delighted to launch a new website for a long-time client, Heimer Law. This local attorney specializes in adoption, so the audience for the website includes several different groups. Women who are considering putting their babies up for adoption need to know the process involved and how they can gain access to services.…
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