• Virtual Response to Pandemic Year 2

    Virtual Response to Pandemic Year 2

    It’s a full year since the global COVID-19 pandemic was announced. Most of us have made changes in our lives — or had those changes made for us. For organizations, that has often meant moving into digital space faster than planned. Churches are live-streaming their services, local restaurants have added delivery or curbside pickup, and…

  • Top 5 Rules for Choosing Bloggers

    Top 5 Rules for Choosing Bloggers

    We know how it is. You had a blog built into your website because you really expected to write a blog post each day. Maybe you even wrote a post the first day or two, but then things got busy, you ran out of ideas, and it just didn’t work out. You have one post…

  • Blog Post Popularity

    Blog Post Popularity

    A client recently asked about blog post popularity at her website. She’s a hands-on client, and often suggests topics for us to write at her blog. Yet she continues to see that the strongest drivers of traffic are evergreen posts on basic questions. This is often true. If you’re a veterinarian, you’re likely to see…

  • Can You Skip Linkbuilding?

    Can You Skip Linkbuilding?

    Back before the pandemic, several of us Hadens set out for Colorado via Kansas, and I whined at this blog about the way the local businesses along our road trip failed to provide mobile-friendly websites and also about the lack of restaurant information. Now, as we begin to consider gettin gout there again, I’m also…

  • An Hour’s Worth of Good Content

    An Hour’s Worth of Good Content

    At a WordPress KC meeting, a presenter on SEO answered the question, “If you had only one hour to spend on SEO, what would you do?” His answer was the same as mine when I was asked: create some good content. That answer tripped off both our tongues without any need for deep thought. Search…

  • The New Internet?

    The New Internet?

    Many users of the internet are ready for a decentralized internet system that will not be under the control of governments or enormous corporations. One group has made a stab at it in a project called The New Internet. As I understand this, it allows members of the group to comment on any social media…

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