Online Appointments at Your Website
Whether you’re making appointments for your medical practice, booking seats for healthy living seminars, scheduling at your salon, or reserving rooms for your outdoor adventure weekends, your clients would like to be able to make those appointments online. Specifically, 72% of patients in a recent study said they want to be able to make online…
Using Competitors’ Names as Keywords
Keyword development is a very important task when you’re working on SEO. You need to identify your primary keywords, track down the best long-tail keywords to work on, and work to rank for that list. Once you have achieved some success, though, you can branch out and work on additional keywords. So how about using…
Website Vocabulary
Some years ago I wrote the content for a website that specializes in animal tissue and blood for research. We were working on terms like “mouse albumin,” “tyrosine hydroxylase,” and “tissue homogenates.” These are not common words that everyone will understand. They wouldn’t be everybody’s choice for website vocabulary. Another site was all about transporting…
Keyword Development Strategies
Identifying the right keywords for your website is the first step in working to improve results with search. Sometimes the right keyword is obvious: you sell organic vegetables, so use “organic vegetables.” Sometimes, however, it isn’t obvious at all. That’s when you need to work on keyword development strategies. Maybe you don’t know what terms…
What Should You Do with Your SEO Strategy Document?
Haden Interactive creates custom SEO strategy documents to guide you in your SEO strategy. One of our clients said that her strategy report is “dog eared and tea stained.” Another said, “There’s an enormous amount of information, and a lot of it might as well be in Hebrew.” Hebrew is not one of this client’s…
Can You Take the Summer off from Blogging?
There’s a lot packed into “summer.” That one word is bursting with floral shorts, cold glasses of lemonade, fireflies blipping in the darkness, white sands and tropical beaches, cars brimming with luggage and family, and refreshing mojitos on balmy nights. Summer and vacations go hand-in-hand. One thing that people don’t associate with summer is a…
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