• Do You Need a Web Analytics Pro?

    Do You Need a Web Analytics Pro?

    You definitely need web analytics if you have a website, even if you’re not ready to do anything with them. Install Google Analytics and let it quietly collect data in the background so you’ll have some data when you’re ready to make decisions. But what’s next? Do you need an analytics pro to get from…

  • Long Form Content for SEO

    Long Form Content for SEO

    What is long form content? People have different definitions of long form content. In plain English, long form content refers to articles, blog posts, eBooks, white papers, guides and other types of copy with a high word count. What’s the minimum word count for long form content? Some say 1,200 to 1,500 words, others say…

  • SEO Services for Doctors

    SEO Services for Doctors

    Saying that people search for health information online is like saying that people use cars for transportation; it’s obvious and it doesn’t really need stating at this point. That’s what it’s there for, after all. The internet is melded into our daily lives, and we use online search for everything: work, recreation, shopping, socializing, and…

  • Website Maintenance: the Least You Can Get Away With

    Website Maintenance: the Least You Can Get Away With

    At a meeting once I was talking casually with a businesswoman. She told me, as people often do, that her website just didn’t do anything at all for her. I’ve never seen her website, but she told me that she had access to it — that is, she could update it herself. “Updating it regularly…

  • Filling the COVID-19 Information Void

    Filling the COVID-19 Information Void

    White House COVID-19 response team leader Ashish Jha recently asked doctors to help educate the public on the virus. In a speech at a meeting of the Massachusetts Medical Society, Jha told healthcare professionals, “What we have seen is the widespread propagation of misinformation and disinformation. And the reason it has taken root is because there was an information vacuum…It is critical…

  • Avoiding Copyright Trolls

    Avoiding Copyright Trolls

    We have received letters accusing us of copyright violation for the use of photos we paid for, photos in the public domain, and photos registered under Creative Commons licenses. We’ve been accused of copyright violations for things for which we had e-mails granting us permission to use and for photos we took ourselves. Unfortunately, since…

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