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Rosamond Haden
Web Analytics and Business
We’re all watching our metrics, from our CRM or our POS system or our market research or from other sources. Are you watching your web analytics? It’s easy to think of web analytics as something for the marketing department or the IT department. The website is, for plenty of business owners, something like a billboard…
The Real Difference in Online Marketing
When you put an ad on TV, in a newspaper, or on the radio, the medium you used can tell you how many copies they printed, how many people they guess might have listened or watched, and maybe what a focus group said. You can watch your sales figures and guess whether the ad worked…
Multiple Offices and Google Verification
Verifying your business’s location with Google through Google Local+, also known as Google Places, has a number of benefits: You can take control of the map listing that shows up when a potential customer clicks to find out more about your business. You can change information as needed if you move or change your business…
Lessons from Google’s Outage
On Friday August 16, 2013, Google went down for a few minutes. Fortunately, the internet didn’t blow up as a result but the outage proved some important information we’ve been saying for years. While Google was down, analytics for websites showed a 40% drop in traffic on the internet, shown here on the right from GoSquared.…