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Rosamond Haden
Ebooks Step by Step
Offering ebooks at your website lets you do quite a few things: add value for your visitors collect contact information and permissions for email marketing campaigns demonstrate your expertise and authority give opportunities for social media outreach nurture leads You can of course sell ebooks, but most of our clients use them for marketing purposes,…
Targeted Traffic
A new survey tells us that 63% of B2B marketers use website traffic as their primary metric for the success of their content marketing. It makes sense. The more people come to your website, the more people see your goods and services and the more chances you have to sell those goods and services. What’s…
The Case of the Fake Website Redesign
Authorize.Net is one of the most popular merchant services companies in the nation — they help us and millions of other companies accept credit cards, echecks, and recurring billing plans safely and easily. Recently I visited their website and saw what looked like a nice update to the design. Instead of their old look, I…
Turbulence at Your Website
Think of water in a pool surrounded by rocks, with a gentle stream moving through it. It can be peaceful, moving smoothly downstream in a soothing yet apparently purposeful motion. It can be beautiful and refreshing, and it can even offer delightful surprises as a water lily catches your eye or a fish jumps playfully…
3 Truths for Talking about Your Brand
We’ve talked with a couple of clients about controlling the conversation about their brands recently, and it’s got me thinking about the subject. I think we all need to recognize three important truths about this. 1. You can’t control the conversation about your brand. You can cut off comments at your website, ban people from…
Serving the Modern Consumer
Shopping has changed. Consumers don’t trust ads and they don’t need them, since they can get information on anything they want at any time.That doesn’t mean that ads aren’t valuable, but it does mean that they have a different place in the process than they used to. Google says that the average consumer checks out…