Rosamond Haden

  • What Is Digital Marketing?

    What Is Digital Marketing?

    Marketers know that digital marketing is the wave of the future, according to recent research: 75% say digital marketing has the highest ROI, according to Salesforce. More than 60% of marketing executives in a global study believe that digital marketing is more engaging that legacy media, according to Adobe. Digital marketing spend will surpass TV…

  • 5 Ways Your Company Website Is Like a Car

    5 Ways Your Company Website Is Like a Car

    You don’t know exactly how it works. Most of us business owners couldn’t really build our own websites or write our own web content, any more than we could really build our own cars. Some of the things we hire people for are things that we know how to do, but online marketing often is…

  • Building a New Business Website

    Building a New Business Website

    You know you need a website for your business — it’s the 21st century — but it can feel like striking out into the wilderness. Should you do it yourself? If not, where can you find someone to do it for you? What should you pay? What do you have to know? Once you’ve chosen…

  • SEO for Competitive People

    SEO for Competitive People

    Rebecca and I were developing a strategy for a new client. Rebecca is the SEO expert, and she knew what to do to improve local search results for the client’s website, but I could tell that she had missed something important about the client. He didn’t just want to get more traffic or increase his…

  • PR, WOM, and SEO

    PR, WOM, and SEO

    I recently met an entrepreneur with a great product who was relying on public relations and word of mouth to drive demand for her product. She was hoping that having her product worn by celebrities at high-profile functions would be enough to increase buzz and get her target market clamoring for her brand at their…

  • Friction in eCommerce

    Friction in eCommerce

    Do you want people to buy things from you online? Then this is the word that should be in your mind: Friction Friction comes in a lot of flavors when it comes to ecommerce, but it’s all the same: a bump in the smooth path your shoppers now expect. That path is the Path to…