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Rosamond Haden
8 Advantages of Professional Blogging
There are significant advantages of blogging for your website. HubSpot tells us that 92% of companies that blog regularly have gotten customers through their blogs. BlogHer reports that 81% of consumers say they trust information they read in blogs. ThinkCreative estimates the increase in leads for companies that blog at 126%. We could go on…
SEO Telemarketers
I got a call recently from someone who wanted to sell me “search engine positioning.” “You mean optimization?” I asked. No, they told me, this was different. All I had to do was choose a keyword, and I would own the page. Guaranteed. “You mean, like Google Ads?” Oh, no, they said, this wasn’t a…
Expectation vs. Reality in Content Marketing
Rebecca and I once filmed a segment of a special on social media. The interviewer was a fun guy and pretty unflappable till he asked how we got our ideas. “So you have to come up with new things to say every week?” “Three posts a day on each platform,” I said. “So it might…
They’re All Web Leads
Our CRM software shows us our sales according to lead source, complete with this handy-dandy pie chart that clearly demonstrates how important our website is to our revenue. Web leads are the number one source of clients. If you had asked us before we had this software, we would probably have said that most of…
What’s Your Primary Keyword?
SEO — search engine optimization — for your website starts with figuring out your keywords. Keywords are words and phrases that people type into a search engine to find the goods and services they need. You have to know what keywords people who are looking for your goods and services search for when they need…
Web Analytics KPIs for Retail
Often when we first talk with new clients we discover that they’ve done lots of different experiments in marketing, trying print ads, contests, cable TV, sponsorships, and more over a period of moths or years. Often they remember these experiments in terms of how much they spent. Sometimes they’ve been able to capture the ROI,…