Rosamond Haden

  • Making a Messaging Persona

    Making a Messaging Persona

    According to CBS, an average American consumer may see 5,000 ads a day. They’re not going to pay attention to most of them. Setting your brand apart is necessary to get them to pay attention to you instead of someone else. A persona, or a role you use when communicating with customers, can help you…

  • Omni-channel Marketing and Blogging

    Omni-channel Marketing and Blogging

    It’s difficult to get a clear message across on all the different ways you interact with customers on Twitter, Facebook, and whatever other online tools you use to connect with consumers. Blogging can help give you direction in your online interactions, make them cohesive, and direct users back to your website to make them more…

  • Pinnable Images Step by Step

    Pinnable Images Step by Step

    Visual social media site Pinterest is now the biggest driver of visits to e-commerce sites, and it can be very useful for brand sites, too. The key to getting others to pin and repin your content at Pinterest is making sure you have pin-worthy images. Working from our previous discussion of pinnable images, here’s a…