Rebecca Haden
Is Your Website Too Wordy?
Is your website too wordy? Can a website be too wordy? The big problem with the term “wordy” is that it means different things to different people… at different times.
Christmas Creep and the CPG Website
“Christmas creep” is the evocative name journalists have given to the practice of beginning holiday marketing early — October 1st is considered the line in the sand, but Walmart and Amazon sent out holiday toy lists in September this year. 64% of holiday shoppers did their Christmas shopping in October or earlier this year….but 15%…
Basic Rules for Sales Pages
Sales pages are not the same as other pages on your website. These are the pages that are supposed to sell something, and most websites have them — or should have them. Follow the basic rules for sales pages and you will see an increase in conversions. We’re not talking about the pages that have…
Blogging for Spas
Blogging is the most effective tactic for improving your website’s SEO. Search engines value fresh, high quality content. Your human visitors value entertaining and informative articles at your website. People looking for goods and services usually start by searching for more general information. Your blog allows you to answer those early questions, and then to…
Content Marketing ROI or ROT?
I’m not sure who came up with the acronym ROT to describe content that is redundant, outdated, or trivial, but it’s a good acronym. When you’re thinking about the return on investment of your content marketing efforts, it makes sense to clean up the content you currently have on your website. We’re working right now…
Choosing Keywords: The Basics
Putting a list of keywords into the header of your website — along with your title and description — is a waste of time; Google ignores that list. However, you must still put time, thought, and effort into choosing a list of keywords. Search engines won’t pay attention to your list of keywords, so don’t…