Rebecca Haden

  • Content Marketing with Medical Keywords

    Content Marketing with Medical Keywords

    When you’re planning your content matrix for content marketing, you’ll use the keywords you’ve identified as the best ones to reach your target market. The people who need your goods and services are likely to look for specific keywords, and you will make sure that you have great content that will be likely to show…

  • SEO for Urgent Care

    SEO for Urgent Care

    If you offer urgent care, even if you also offer other services, you want to show up when people in your area search for “urgent care.” SEO for urgent care should be a top marketing priority. People in need of urgent medical services will go to Google to find those services. SEO helps your website…

  • SEO for ObGyns

    SEO for ObGyns

    SEO for OBGyns is not completely different from SEO for doctors in general, but there are some special factors. Search Engine Optimization always involves providing an excellent online experience for your visitors, being findable when your prospective patients look for you, and communicating with search engines as well as with your human visitors. What’s different…

  • SEO for Sports Medicine Practices

    SEO for Sports Medicine Practices

    Sports medicine practices get new patients the same way most medical practices do: by word of mouth or internet searches. People who need a sports medicine doctor or clinic will often ask their friends or their coach first. If they don’t get a good suggestion that way, they’ll turn to Google. SEO for sports medicine…

  • Are Digital Ads Optional?

    Are Digital Ads Optional?

    Big companies have always advertised online — “always” here meaning ever since it became an option — but there has been a perception that the internet leveled the playing field, allowing smaller companies to reach consumers through organic search with a much smaller budget than the cost of big ad campaigns. Is that true? Can…

  • Who Should Have Access to Your Website?

    Who Should Have Access to Your Website?

    One of the decisions you need to make when you launch your new website is this: who should have access to your website? That is, who should be able to get into the admin area and make changes?