Rebecca Haden

  • Can You Skip Linkbuilding?

    Can You Skip Linkbuilding?

    Back before the pandemic, several of us Hadens set out for Colorado via Kansas, and I whined at this blog about the way the local businesses along our road trip failed to provide mobile-friendly websites and also about the lack of restaurant information. Now, as we begin to consider gettin gout there again, I’m also…

  • An Hour’s Worth of Good Content

    An Hour’s Worth of Good Content

    At a WordPress KC meeting, a presenter on SEO answered the question, “If you had only one hour to spend on SEO, what would you do?” His answer was the same as mine when I was asked: create some good content. That answer tripped off both our tongues without any need for deep thought. Search…

  • The New Internet?

    The New Internet?

    Many users of the internet are ready for a decentralized internet system that will not be under the control of governments or enormous corporations. One group has made a stab at it in a project called The New Internet. As I understand this, it allows members of the group to comment on any social media…

  • Technical SEO vs. Content SEO

    Technical SEO vs. Content SEO

    Technical SEO vs. Content SEO — it’s not a battle to the death. It’s just two kinds of SEO…and a subject that creates a lot of confusion. So what should you know about technical SEO vs. content SEO? Content SEO Content is king. There is nothing you can do with technology that can make up…

  • Do Manufacturers Need Google for Manufacturing?

    Do Manufacturers Need Google for Manufacturing?

    Industry Week wants a special Google — that is, a special search engine — for manufacturers and their industrial partners. Pointing to the supply chain problems that have arisen during the pandemic, they suggest that part of the problem is that Google isn’t taking care of industrialists. “The U.S. has significant advanced manufacturing capabilities, yet…

  • Changing Web Page Titles

    Changing Web Page Titles

    We got an alarmed email from a client saying that their navigation wasn’t working correctly. Website navigation is basically just a collection of links, and sure enough, one of those links wasn’t working. We explored further and found the cause of the problem: someone had changed the name of the webpage, and the address as…