Rebecca Haden

  • Diminishing Returns for SEO?

    Diminishing Returns for SEO?

    Clients sometimes ask when Search Engine Optimization will be finished — are there diminishing returns for SEO over time? Is there some point at which you can quit, because you’re #1 and there’s no more work to be done? The quick answer: no.  Even when you get very good results (and our clients do), you…

  • Is “Blog” Declining in Search Popularity?

    Is “Blog” Declining in Search Popularity?

      In the podcast shared below, WordPress Executive Director Josepha Haden Chomphosy talks about a question she gets all the time: “What are we going to do about the fact that the term ‘blog’ is declining in search popularity?” It is,  by the way. Or it has. Interest in that word peaked about a decade…

  • Social Media in Patients’ Native Languages

    Social Media in Patients’ Native Languages

    Healthcare professionals know from grim experience that their patients get a lot of health information — and misinformation — from social media. The situation is further complicated when we’re talking not about English language social media but about social media in patients’ native languages other than English. For example, a Lao speaker can watch multiple…

  • Should You Advertise with Facebook?

    Should You Advertise with Facebook?

    Facebook has been getting some bad press lately. Have you been wondering whether you should advertise with Facebook, in light of the controversy? I was thinking about this as I headed out to get an affidavit notarized. One of our clients has had to update the permissions we had received for running ads with social…

  • When Your Website Doesn’t Have the Rank It Deserves

    When Your Website Doesn’t Have the Rank It Deserves

    We often hear complaints from people who feel that Google doesn’t treat them right. We hear passionate rants about how the vastly inferior competition gets better treatment, and suggestions that Google has some personal ax to grind, or that the competitor is doing something nefarious to get their undeserved rankings. Their website, people tell us,…

  • Halloween WordPress Plugins

    Halloween WordPress Plugins

    Your website may be serious business and an integral part of your marketing plan as well as your patient education or community engagement efforts. But it might also be a place for fun. If so, there are some Halloween WordPress plugins that can help you share the fun. We tried out a few.  WordPress plugins…