Rebecca Haden

  • Is WordPress a Good Choice for Your Practice Website?

    Is WordPress a Good Choice for Your Practice Website?

    Doctors and other health professionals are beginning to realize that a practice website is important, not just for marketing but also for online reputation management, patient education and engagement, and meeting the needs of younger, healthier patients who can help keep your practice profitable. Once you’ve decided that you need a practice website, one of…

  • Copyright and AI Content

    Copyright and AI Content

    We’ve watched the growth of artificial intelligence tools that generate web content with interest. Our focus has been on whether it works or not — is it a good way to save money on web content, for example? There’s another issue, though: copyright and AI content.  Check out our experiences with these tools: Autogenerated Content…

  • My Google Ads Aren’t Working!

    My Google Ads Aren’t Working!

    You’ve taken the plunge with Google Ads and set up a campaign. But your ads aren’t getting clicks, or they’re getting clicks and they’re not leading to sales. What’s going on? Is it just that your Google ads aren’t working? It could be your ads The image at the top of this post is a…

  • Your Website and the Americans with Disabilities Act

    Your Website and the Americans with Disabilities Act

    The Americans with Disabilities Act requires that every “place of public accommodation” should be accessible to people with disabilities. All goods and services available to anyone must be available to people with disabilities. This is probably not news to you. What may be news is that your website is a place of public accommodation. What…

  • An Introduction to Google Ads for Traditional Marketers

    An Introduction to Google Ads for Traditional Marketers

    97% of Americans use Google to find information about goods and services. Only 13% use phone books. Simple arithmetic tells us that most of these die-hard Yellow Pages devotees are also using Google. Google Ads are obviously an important marketing tool.  But as with many things that are no longer new but also not completely…

  • Reaching Out to New Demographics

    Reaching Out to New Demographics

    As you’re reopening, rebuilding, or rebranding, you might be ready to reach out to a new audience. Maybe you’ve realized you want to work with a younger crowd, or an older one. Maybe you’ve decided that men as well as women could benefit from your offerings, or you have a new product you think would…