Rebecca Haden

  • The New GA: The Realtime Report

    The New GA: The Realtime Report

    The new Google Analytics experience starts, as the classic one does, with the Realtime report. This report shows the visitors who are currently on your website. As you can see from the screenshot below, showing our lab site, this report shows who is on your site right now, and the visitors who have been there…

  • The New Google Analytics Experience

    The New Google Analytics Experience

    Google Analytics has a completely new look! If you haven’t checked out the new Google Analytics experience, you might need a guide to help you along the way. What’s different? Here’s one Google Analytics report that may be familiar: the Acquisitions Overview report, showing how visitors found their way to our website.   We’re looking…

  • Google Is Sunsetting Universal Analytics

    Google Is Sunsetting Universal Analytics

    Google Analytics is shutting down their Universal Analytics and will offer only GA4. What does this mean for you? You need to set up GA4 analytics for your website We’ve written about the new Google Analytics before, and we have set it up for all of our retainer clients. You may not have set it…

  • Keywords: It’s Complicated

    Keywords: It’s Complicated

    Once upon a time, the relationship between search engines and keywords was simple. People would type a word into the search box and the search engine would simply show all the pages with that word, probably in chronological order. You can still see this type of simple search engine on most internal site searches. Then…

  • Traffic Loss

    Traffic Loss

    Over the past six months, we’ve lost 3% of our traffic at this website every month. This is depressing, of course. How did it happen? Life. We were super busy taking care of our paying clients and we were working on our new redesign (we hope you like it). We figured we would get the…

  • WordPress Updates: How and Why

    WordPress Updates: How and Why

    We like long relationships, and most of our clients work with us over the long term. They don’t have to think about WordPress updates, because we take care of that for them. However, we also build websites, and some of the clients whose sites we’ve built are their own webmasters. They have to think about…