Rebecca Haden
The New GA: The Tech Report
The Tech report at Google Universal Analytics gives you a lot of information about your visitors — and used to give more. It tells you the devices your visitors use, as well as their operating systems and browser choices. An operating system is something like Apple MacOS or Microsoft Windows. A browser is something like…
The New GA: The User Report
Continuing our examination of the reports in the new Google Analytics interface, we come to the User reports. There are two broad divisions: User attributes and Tech. The Overview of User Attributes begins with a map, which shows that we have visitors from 156 countries. It also gives us a quick update on the visitors…
The New GA: Retention
We’re examining all the reports in the new GA4 interface, and we’ve come to the Retention report. This report shows how well you keep visitors coming back to your website. We begin with the proportion of new and returning users. We can see that this website has far more new users than returning users. This…
The New GA: Monetization
The new Google Analytics Monetization report is a completely new report; Universal Analytics didn’t show all this information unless you customized your dashboard to show it. Even then, it didn’t show it in one place. The new Monetization report lets you see at a glance where your revenue is coming from, whether you’re tracking ecommerce…
The New GA: Engagement
Google Analytics has a new look! Known as GA4, the new reporting is quite a bit different from what we’re used to. In the new Google Analytics interface, Engagement has its own set of reports. You can see the various engagement metrics in Universal Analytics under the Audience Overview report. Number of sessions per user…
The New GA: Acquisition
The new Google Analytics interface, G4, has a whole new set of Acquisition reports. Acquisition is all about where your website’s traffic comes from. This report shows how many of your visitors find you through Organic Search, how many are referred by links from other websites, what proportion find you through social media, how many…