Rebecca Haden

  • Facebook Discrimination and You

    Facebook Discrimination and You

    Facebook is currently being sued for housing discrimination. That may seem like a leap, seeing that Facebook isn’t actually doing any real estate deals, but Facebook does run ads for housing. Canadian lawyers are complaining that Facebook’s employment ads discriminate against older workers. Researchers ran fake Facebook ads to test whether they could manipulate ads…

  • Choosing Your Web Host

    Choosing Your Web Host

    You’re finally taking the plunge and creating a website for your practice or business. Or you have a website, but you’re not sure whether your hosting company is the best choice for you. Either way, you may be one of the many website owners who finds it challenging to choose a web host. Let us…

  • Goodbye, Google Plus!

    Goodbye, Google Plus!

    Google Plus for consumers will disappear on April 2nd. Integrations seem to be shutting down sooner yet. If you have written and shared lots of great stuff at G+ over the years, you should go and download your content. Re-use it for your company blog. That said, will you notice the loss of Google Plus…

  • “Blog”: It Doesn’t Mean What You Think It Means

    “Blog”: It Doesn’t Mean What You Think It Means

    A blog is a web page that shows articles in reverse chronological order, from newest to oldest, automatically. You write a post, and the post goes to the page and pops up at the top. We have actually seen web pages that might be called faux blogs. The owners went in with Dreamweaver and wrote…

  • Top 10 Posts of 2018

    Top 10 Posts of 2018

    Our most popular posts in 2018 run the gamut of topics. Here are the Top Ten: RTs Are Not Endorsements What does “RTs are not endorsements” really mean, and where did it come from? WordPress Plugins for Medical Professionals We regularly update this post listing useful plugins for WordPress medical websites. Source and Medium in…

  • AI, Article 13, and Copyright Rules

    AI, Article 13, and Copyright Rules

    A few years ago, our graphic artist alerted us that someone was using a logo he had created for a client of ours. The infringer had made a small change and they were using it as their Facebook logo. It was a clear case of copyright violation. We reported them to Facebook. Facebook’s response was…