Rebecca Haden

  • How Will New Tech Laws Affect You?

    How Will New Tech Laws Affect You?

    Google and Facebook might have to pay journalists whose websites show up in search. TikTok might be banned in the United States. Consumers will be able to opt-out of targeted marketing. How will these and other proposed bills affect ordinary people who use websites for business or other kinds of public communication? Short answer: who…

  • No Analytics? Now What?

    No Analytics? Now What?

    We recently built a new website for a company that had a well-established website. They had not installed analytics, so they didn’t know how many visitors they had. We installed Google Analytics for them, as we always do when we build a website. They went from no analytics to all kinds of new data. Suddenly,…

  • Keywords and Synonyms

    Keywords and Synonyms

    A client sent an interesting question this morning: should we work on “COFA” or “compact” as a keyword? She didn’t use the terms “keywords” or “synonyms,” but she was basically asking about keywords and synonyms. There are plenty of questions to think about in these categories. Keywords, in case you’re wondering, are the words people…

  • SEO for Pediatricians

    SEO for Pediatricians

    SEO for pediatricians involves the same skills and strategies as SEO for doctors in general, but there are some special things about pediatrics websites that are worth keeping in mind. What do prospective patients call you? Pediatricians are sometimes surprised to learn what people search for when they’re looking for a doctor for their children.…

  • AI Dangers

    AI Dangers

    AI is everywhere. It’s speeding up tasks at work, entertaining people, and — for some users who caught it at a bad moment earlier this month — spewing out random nonsense. It’s also bringing up myriad copyright and intellectual property issues. Content created with generative AI cannot be copyright protected. However, there are several legal…

  • How Old Are Facebook Users?

    How Old Are Facebook Users?

    How old are Facebook users? Getting older every day. The Economist tracked down the most reliable data on the question, and they have shared the facts. People in their 40s use Facebook way more than teenagers. The fastest growing group is 45-65. And people over 65 are catching up. While total users still peak at…