Rebecca Haden

  • Choosing Photos for Your Website

    Choosing Photos for Your Website

    We’re putting the finishing touches on a website for an educational initiative, and adding those touches has brought up a lot of points about photos. Big photos are popular on websites, even trendy. The site owner for this website showed us a number of sites she likes, and nearly all had a big photo as…

  • Expanding Your Email Marketing List

    Expanding Your Email Marketing List

    Pam Neely’s ebook 50 Ways To Grow Your Email Marketing List is a practical compendium of ideas. She divides her 50 tactics among six basic strategies: Get more opt-ins at your website. Gather subscribers from social media. Use search and other people’s websites. Take action in the real world. Create emails people will want to…

  • Avoiding the Blogging Death Spiral

    Avoiding the Blogging Death Spiral

    In Born to Blog: Building Your Blog for Personal and Business Success One Post at a Time , Mark Schaefer and Stanford Smith describe the “blogging death spiral”: Recognizing that blogging is good for your website and your company, you begin blogging for your business. Without knowing what you’re doing (and the book is certainly…