Rebecca Haden

  • Your Online Presence and Feedback

    Your Online Presence and Feedback

    One of our clients is an industrial engineer who works with servo motors. The big thing about servo motors (and the place where they intersect with your online marketing) is that they don’t just make machinery go. They also get information that tells them whether they should go a little faster or a little slower…

  • Bing Boards

    Bing Boards

    Bing has something new — Bing Boards, “boutique content” which will show up on the first page of Bing’s search results. Right now, you have to request an invitation, so we can’t jump in and try it out. However, we can see how it’s going to work. At right, you see the site where you…

  • What to Do With Social Media Metrics

    What to Do With Social Media Metrics

    Social media marketing has the great advantage, compared with traditional advertising, of being measurable. Not perfectly measurable, it’s true, but much more measurable than an ad in the paper or a billboard. According to a recent survey, fewer than half of marketers surveyed about their social media investment are paying attention to the number of…

  • Shortstack Highlights Your FB Posts

    Shortstack Highlights Your FB Posts

    Facebook can be a great place to strut your stuff for customers and engage with your fans. Unfortunately, we don’t have much control over Facebook. Shortstack is a fremium utility that lets you take control at Facebook without requiring special skills. Shortstack has a nice collection of templates for its free accounts, ranging from special…

  • What Makes an Image Pinnable?

    What Makes an Image Pinnable?

    Social media powerhouse Pinterest is a bookmarking tool that works much like a cork board mixed with social media. Instead of ripping photos out of magazines, users pin images from webpages across the internet to their virtual boards. Users can follow others and see their pins on a main feed, search for other pins, and…

  • WP Websites Step by Step, by C. Jones

    WP Websites Step by Step, by C. Jones

    We’re a WordPress shop, and definitely big fans of WordPress. We find that, for our clients who like to have a hands-on relationship with their websites, Word Press is much easier and friendlier than other content management systems. We also find that it’s faster for us — and therefore less expensive for clients — to…