Rebecca Haden

  • WHYAnalytics from Visual DNA

    WHYAnalytics from Visual DNA

    Google Analytics is our go-to here at Haden Interactive. We’ve run into an interesting new analytics tool, though, which does quite different things from GA. WhyAnalytics doesn’t tell you how many visitors you’ve had with anything like accuracy, and it doesn’t tell you where your visitors come from or what they do at your website.…

  • Website Redesign… for WordPress

    Website Redesign… for WordPress

    Redesigning a WordPress website can be a bit different from redesigning other kinds of websites. In a WordPress site, your content is separate from your design. The design is served up when visitors arrive and the content is called in. Admittedly, this can be hard to imagine. I’m reminded of Dave Barry’s objection to the…

  • New Site for Innovation in Education

    New Site for Innovation in Education

    On Friday, we launched the website for the University of Arkansas’s Office of Innovation in Education. The OIE works with K-12 in Arkansas, supporting teachers, administrators, parents, students, and communities in bringing new approaches to education. This is a cause that’s dear to our hearts, so we’re particularly excited about this website. The site features…

  • Online Marketing to Millennials

    Online Marketing to Millennials

    We like to write to someone particular when we’re writing marketing materials. We do research and develop one or more personas. We don’t like to overgeneralize. That said, we also respect data, and there is some interesting data out there on Millenials, the demographic group that is currently graduating from college and heading into the…

  • Serving Up a Shortstack at Facebook

    Serving Up a Shortstack at Facebook

    Shortstack is a friendly site that lets you design apps for your Facebook pages — with no coding, unless you specially want to do some coding. We’ve shown you the basic method for making a Shortstack page for your Facebook business page. Here are a couple of examples of pages we’ve made for clients recently.…

  • The Fortune 500 Embrace Blogging

    The Fortune 500 Embrace Blogging

    UMass/Dartmouth have done a study every year since 2008 of Fortune 500 companies and how they’re approaching social media. In 2008, 16% of Fortune 500 companies had a corporate blog for consumers to read. Now, that percentage has doubled. 34% is still just over a third of the companies. But there’s something special about those…