Rebecca Haden

  • Social Media and E-commerce

    Social Media and E-commerce

    Social media is enormously important to Americans. A new report from the Pew Research Center shows that the great majority of us use Facebook and YouTube, and sizeable percentages use Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, and Twitter. Nearly a quarter of us use WhatsApp and 27% use Snapchat. Looking at the 18-24 crowd specifically, the report finds…

  • You’re Not a Lifestyle Blog. You’re a Hospital.

    You’re Not a Lifestyle Blog. You’re a Hospital.

    If you are in fact a lifestyle blogger, sorry. If you’re a hospital, though — or any other health and wellness organization — I want to talk to you about using your own data, not the generalizations you find online. Blogging is an important means of patient education. The Mayo Clinic Social Media Network shows…

  • 5 HIPAA Pitfalls to Watch for at Your Blog

    5 HIPAA Pitfalls to Watch for at Your Blog

    When you decided to use a blog at your website, you checked out the basics for HIPAA-compliant blogging, and you’re pretty confident that you and your blogger know the rules. Then you read that blogs have been used as evidence in malpractice suits, and you begin to wonder. It doesn’t hurt to check on your…

  • 10 Digital Marketing Metrics to Know and Love

    10 Digital Marketing Metrics to Know and Love

    When then-candidate Donald Trump’s testosterone levels were shared on national TV, many Americans were… completely mystified, because they had no idea what that number meant. It can be like that when you’re looking at your digital marketing metrics. Chances are good that the numbers you’re seeing in reports are unfamiliar to you. Here are some…

  • Goal Getters: Increasing Conversions

    Goal Getters: Increasing Conversions

    Increasing conversions is a goal for almost every website. If you want to determine whether your website is doing its job, this is one of the metrics you’ll want to follow. We find that many website owners have no idea whether their website is increasing conversions or not. Here are the steps involved in figuring…

  • Goal Getters: Increasing Use of Patient Tools

    Goal Getters: Increasing Use of Patient Tools

    What patient tools do you have on your practice website? Can patients book an appointment, request a prescription, download and submit a form, visit a secure patient portal, or pay their bills online? If you have patient tools on your website, increasing use of patient tools is probably one of your goals for your website.…