Rebecca Haden

  • 7 Good Reasons Not to Obsess over Being #1 on Google

    7 Good Reasons Not to Obsess over Being #1 on Google

    You see your competitor’s website shows up ahead of yours on Google and suddenly life is not worth living. If you can relate to that statement at all, you should read these seven good reasons not to obsess over being #1 on Google. Being #1 on Google is like being first in line — you’re…

  • Google Analytics Data Retention

    Google Analytics Data Retention

    On May 25, 2018, Google Analytics data retention rules will go into effect. may 25 is also the GDPR deadline. This may or may not be a coincidence. But U.S. users of Google Analytics who aren’t even thinking about GDPR will still be affected by this change. You might have received a notice about this…

  • Ecograder Says SEO Is Green

    Ecograder Says SEO Is Green

    Ecograder, an automatic website grading tool focused on sustainability, checks for search engine optimization. Why? Because a website that can be found easily and quickly uses fewer resources than one requiring more energy to track down. We could quibble. For one thing, a website that is not optimized and not findable probably gets fewer visits…

  • SEO and Branding

    SEO and Branding

    Imagine that your obgyn practice has worked with a branding agency to create a fun concept that is based on the long experience you and your partners have had, with a fun tropical theme. “You toucan have a great delivery!” is your catch phrase, and you’re working the word “toucan” into everything you do. You…

  • Pinterest’s Place in Healthcare Content Marketing

    Pinterest’s Place in Healthcare Content Marketing

    The healthcare content marketing cycle includes creating great content, distributing it, and repurposing it. Pinterest is an excellent way to distribute and repurpose your great content. Not familiar with Pinterest? Here’s some background: 5 Tips for Pinterest Healthcare on Pinterest Day 1 on Pinterest Is Pinterest for you? Pinterest is terrific if you have good…

  • HHS Blog Advice

    HHS Blog Advice

    HIPAA-compliant blogging is essential for health professionals’ websites. But the Department of Health and Human Services offers some more general guidelines for blogging. They’re thinking about appropriate patient and client communication more than SEO, but their advice doesn’t contradict what Haden Interactive and other SEO firms tell you. Here’s a quick summary of HHS blog…