Rebecca Haden

  • Rethink Your Home Page

    Rethink Your Home Page

    For most websites, the home page is the most popular page.That doesn’t mean that most of your visitors start on that page, though. Any page at your website can be a landing page, an entry page, for your website. Site owners often think about their homepage as though it were a physical magazine. People pick…

  • Experiment: Does Blogging Drive Traffic?

    Experiment: Does Blogging Drive Traffic?

    A couple of years ago we checked a random sampling of websites to see how their traffic had changed year over year. We looked at websites with blogs and websites without, and this is what we discovered: Websites without blogs saw an average change in traffic of -29.75%. Websites with blogs saw an average increase…

  • Blogging Benefits Your Business

    Blogging Benefits Your Business

    “Nobody buys my product because of what they read in my blog,” a blogging client recently told me. Sure, he said, he gets lots of respect as a result of those posts, people reach out to him as an authority, and they give him the reputation and thought leadership he wants. That doesn’t affect his…

  • Google Tells Why Your Page Isn’t Indexed

    Google Tells Why Your Page Isn’t Indexed

    When you publish a new page or post, Google comes to check it out. The Google spiders will decide what your page is about and how useful it is. Then they’ll index the page — or not. That is, they will add it to their gargantuan list of all the useful pages on the internet…

  • Ecommerce and Sales Tax after Quill

    Ecommerce and Sales Tax after Quill

    If you sell something online, you probably have to think about sales tax. And, with a new Supreme Court decision overturning the landmark Quill decision, you will probably now have to think about it in a different way. In 1992, the Supreme Court decided in North Dakota vs. Quill that a state could only force…

  • Your Visual Content Marketing Plan

    Your Visual Content Marketing Plan

    A great content marketing strategy usually relies primarily on text. You identify the problems your target market faces, identify the keywords they’ll use to search for solutions, and create pages and posts that use those keywords to answer their questions. Do you also need a visual content marketing plan? If you’re creating visual content —…