Rebecca Haden

  • The Ghost-written Blog

    The Ghost-written Blog

    One of the biggest controversies about blogging is whether it’s important for your organization’s thought leaders to do their own blogging, or whether it’s smarter to have a professional blogger. There’s no controversy about the value of blogging. A new collection of statistics from Hubspot shows us the same kinds of numbers we usually see:…

  • Leveraging Thought Leadership Online

    Leveraging Thought Leadership Online

    Many of our clients are already demonstrating thought leadership in their communities. They are the people who get calls from the legislature asking their views on policy. They end up on local news programs, they’re quoted in local newspapers, they win awards. If you’re in this position, you — or your marketing director — probably…

  • Understanding RankBrain

    Understanding RankBrain

    Google uses hundreds of factors to decide which website to show to a searcher. The details of the algorithm used for this decision making are secret, like Coca-Cola’s recipe, but Google isn’t shy about sharing the most important elements: content, links, and RankBrain. Content is King. Links are the next most important element. That’s Google’s…

  • Yoast Connects with Gutenberg

    Yoast Connects with Gutenberg

    Gutenberg, the new editor coming soon to WordPress (already at, doesn’t work with all plugins. WordPress says the plugin makers have to take the initiative to make their plugins work with Gutenberg, not the other way around. Now, one of the most popular plugins — Yoast SEO — has taken the plunge. If Yoast…

  • Search Volume and Keyword Choice

    Search Volume and Keyword Choice

    Forbes ran a story with a clickbait headline — “6 Reasons Why SEO Might Not Be Right for Your Business” — and a downright bizarre #1 on the list: low search volume. “There’s not much point in achieving first page Google rankings for keywords that are searched for only a handful of times a month,”…

  • Should Your Website Be in Google’s News Index?

    Should Your Website Be in Google’s News Index?

    When you search at, Google will suggest more specific kinds of searches. Depending on the word or phrase you search for, Google thinks that you might want to see images, videos, shopping options, flights, or even personal results. (Yeah, I had also never tried this option. You’ll see your Google photos, gmail, browsing history,…