Rebecca Haden

  • Merry Christmas

    Merry Christmas

    Haden Interactive will be closed until January 1, 2019. Our regular clients will of course receive all their usual services in the usual way. Wishing everyone a joyful holiday and a prosperous and healthy New Year!

  • Healthcare Marketing Forecasts

    Healthcare Marketing Forecasts

    Google has a prediction for search marketing in general: Helpfulness will be the winner. “Today’s consumers expect more,” says Google. “They’ll ask increasingly detailed questions and expect brands to provide answers that are tailored just for them. Ultimately, it will be the brands that are deemed truly helpful that will rise above the competition.” At…

  • Users at Your WordPress Website

    Users at Your WordPress Website

    One of the areas of the WordPress admin section is called Users. You may not pay any attention to this part of your website. If you are the main admin for the site, however, you might get email notices telling you that you have a new User, or that a User has changed a password.…

  • Curing the Viral Post

    Curing the Viral Post

    Social media conscience Social media is getting attacked from all sides. Word at the virtual water coolers is that Facebook is perverting elections, Twitter is fomenting crime, and YouTube is encouraging stupid, even life threatening pranks. Some social media platforms are backing off. WhatsApp, which is a major social platform in India, has taken steps…

  • Your Site on Google

    Your Site on Google

    I saw something new at recently. As I was performing an ordinary search for a social media client, looking for great stories to use, I was presented with a personal message. “Your site on Google,” the message began. “See how your site has been showing for this query for the past 90 days and…

  • Rich Media in Gutenberg

    Rich Media in Gutenberg

    If you read about Gutenberg around the web, you’ll see claims that Gutenberg makes it fun and easy to add rich media to your website. “The stage for composing a Gutenberg post is less of a linear text entry field, and more a freeform artboard,” one automattic post claims. “It can contain different kinds of…